Our commitment


As a healthcare company, we work hand in hand with patients and also collaborate with the people who care for them. With this aim in mind, we provide support to patients’ associations, helping them to organise initiatives geared towards those affected by different pathologies. We also promote campaigns for social awareness-raising and to transmit knowledge about their needs.


At Cinfa we believe in an authentic accessible healthcare that enables access for all patients to the treatments they need, wherever they are and whatever their situation.

To do so, we support international NGOs such as Farmamundi , who we have worked with for eighteen years, providing help to over a million people.

We have also established programs in Spain to enable access to medicines and to help vulnerable people. Collaborations with groups such as Cáritas, Cruz Roja and pharmaceutical associations permit persons at risk of social exclusion to have access to their health treatments.


‘CinfaTeaming’ is an initiative consisting of team micro-donations in which Cinfa workers who want to can contribute one, two or three euros from their monthly salary to support social projects. These projects are proposed and chosen by the employees themselves and the company also participates by doubling the amount collected.

Since its inception at Cinfa in 2012, workers have collaborated in more than one hundred projects of different types, contributing more than 370,000 euros. The initiatives include help with rehabilitation therapies for children with different diseases, or collaborations with centres for people with Alzheimer, MS, etc.


We have collaborated for 30 years with a number of organisations in the socio-occupational integration of disabled people. These relationships have been rewarding for Cinfa in two ways: on the one hand they have allowed us to make use of the services of highly reliable suppliers, and on the other, it has permitted us to add our grain of sand to the integration of such people into the business community.

The result is that around 100 persons with special needs work for Cinfa, packaging our products, washing work clothes and caring for the gardens in our facilities.


The Cinfa plants are located in privileged natural surroundings that we care for and protect. This mission includes an Energy Efficiency Plan designed to minimise the environmental impact of our activities and to promote measures that encourage sustainable development.

In December 2019, we installed a photovoltaic park on the roof of the warehouse of our headquarters, which has continued growing and nowadays allows us to cover twice the energy needs of the offices of this plant.

100% of the electricity used in our pharmaceutical plants comes from renewable energy sources.


Ever since Infarco and Cinfa were established, our values as people have determined our development and business activities, establishing over time the conduct and attitudes that make us what we are.

These best practices are contained in our Code of Conduct, which is applied to all the firms that make up our parent company: Infarco. It is a document that establishes the overall framework of our relationships with patients, employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, the health sector, public administrations and society in general.

See our Code of Conduct

A further effort in our commitment to accountability and transparency is our compliance with the policy established by the Spanish Generic Medicines Asociation (‘Aeseg’), which Cinfa belongs to.

It defines all the value transfers that are carried out every year to healthcare organisations and professionals, as well as to patients’ associations, thereby guaranteeing that the relationship with each and every one of them is ethically maintained and never involves any conflict of interest.